rebel hand 7.97   It remained in rebel hands.
  government hand 7.44   The radio remained in government hands.
  time hand 6.06   It has changed hands several times.
  shook hand 3.09   Shook hands.
  ranch hand 2.76   A ranch hand.
  change hand 2.50   So change hands, the organizers advise.
  glove hand 2.04   Edmonds appeared to land awkwardly on his glove hand.
  money hand 1.84   There must be so much money changing hands.
  police hand 1.25   They received only mild abuse at police hands, he said.
  opposition hand 1.05   But it was firmly in opposition hands.
  cut hand 0.92   Tomsic suffered a cut hand.
  poker hand 0.79   A heckuva poker hand, but a hideous scorecard.
  year hand 0.79   The two giants changed hands this year.
  number hand 0.72   I can count on my hand the number of bishops who have done the right thing.
  stage hand 0.72   Took later worked as a stage hand and comic.
  day hand 0.59   Stocks trade hands every day.
  factory hand 0.53   The skilled man could be replaced by the factory hand.
  shake hand 0.53   Look people in the eye, shake hands firmly, flash a winning smile and remember names.
  ball hand 0.46   All they had to do was hand the ball off.
  guerrilla hand 0.46   A government field commander, who asked not to be identified, also told AFP that Treng was still in guerrilla hands.
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