bare hand 18.17   Bare hands are fine for that.
  private hand 14.68   Many are in private hands.
  full hand 13.96   It has its hands full.
  helping hand 12.64   These helping hands.
  wrong hand 9.87   Tipped passes fall into the wrong hands.
  broken hand 8.49   Broken hands.
  strong hand 8.43   The same strong hands.
  serb hand 7.97   It too is in Serb hands.
  heavy hand 7.50   Serbian police rule with a heavy hand.
  the hand 6.91   I caught it in the other hand.
  human hand 6.32   It was a human hand.
  gloved hand 6.19   He stretched out a gloved hand.
  outstretched hand 5.73   Outstretched hands reach for him.
  freer hand 5.40   Others pour with a freer hand.
  steady hand 5.40   Steady hands.
  good hand 5.27   Good hands.
  firm hand 4.41   A man with a firm hand.
  big hand 4.34   Big hands move quickly.
  state hand 4.28   The hotel will remain in state hands.
  throwing hand 4.28   His throwing hand.
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