government halt 7.24   He appealed to the government to halt its attack.
  strike halt 3.16   Strike halts production at car maker.
  rain halt 2.76   Match halted by rain.
  company halt 2.24   Late in the afternoon the company halted.
  official halt 2.11   But Iranian officials halt the plane.
  police halt 1.97   Police quickly halted the fighting.
  troop halt 1.84   High alert allows the troops to halt any vehicle and enter any building.
  action halt 1.65   The action halted sales of Outlook in Bombay.
  authority halt 1.45   Authorities halted the sale, saying the stock was unfairly priced.
  force halt 1.05   They demanded that Russian forces halt attacks on Chechen rebels.
  step halt 1.05   He called on U.S. authorities to take steps to halt such crimes.
  country halt 0.99   He called on both countries to halt the practice immediately and to wait.
  group halt 0.92   The Kurdish groups halted their latest clashes last week.
  side halt 0.92   Both sides would halt all military construction programs.
  traffic halt 0.86   Traffic halted and stores remained shut.
  work halt 0.86   Work halts.
  court halt 0.79   In June, the state court temporarily halted another execution.
  decision halt 0.79   But Israeli officials denied any decision to halt construction.
  military halt 0.72   They have threatened to behead five more, if the military does not halt the assault.
  state halt 0.72   Two German states halt deportations of Kosovo Albanians.
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