line hallway 1.25   Shiny, solid wood paneling lined the hallways.
  fill hallway 0.99   Screams and cries filled the hallways.
  walk hallway 0.86   Some walked hallways all night crying.
  pace hallway 0.53   He paced a hallway.
  roam hallway 0.53   Students roamed the hallways.
  block hallway 0.33   A couch also blocked a hallway near the front door.
  prowl hallway 0.33   After the game, a host of dignitaries prowled the hallways at Yankee Stadium.
  adorn hallway 0.26   Flowers, trinkets and notes adorn the hallways.
  have hallway 0.26   It has a hallway you can bowl in.
  pack hallway 0.26   The hallways were packed with those who had stayed overnight on the floor.
  patrol hallway 0.26   Guards patrol the hallways.
  use hallway 0.26   The young men using the hallway as a living room, politely turn the music down.
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