teen-age hacker 0.79   Teen-age hackers have penetrated highly secret systems in every field.
  young hacker 0.72   Blade is aided by J.C., a young hacker who provides spoken hints, suggestions and warnings.
  chinese hacker 0.59   Then Chinese hackers, led by a group called the Honkers Union, declared war.
  malicious hacker 0.53   Users often think that they have nothing in their accounts that a malicious hacker would want to see.
  sophisticated hacker 0.53   But there is evidence that more sophisticated hackers are now at work.
  russian hacker 0.39   Semyanov said the threat of Russian hackers was exaggerated by Western news media.
  skilled hacker 0.39   Skilled hackers could conceivably execute nasty little programs as the program halts.
  would-be hacker 0.39   How sophisticated will would-be hackers be?
  master hacker 0.33   This turns out to be the work of the elusive CrayZhorse, a master hacker who leads a group of malcontents called the Great Uprising.
  determined hacker 0.26   A determined hacker may be able to get past that problem.
  experienced hacker 0.26   University computer systems also attract experienced hackers.
  future hacker 0.26   Hill hopes the punishment given to Geiger will deter future hackers.
  israeli hacker 0.26   The teen-age Israeli master hacker who penetrated the computer systems of the Pentagon and NASA was indicted Monday in an Israeli court.
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