bad habit 18.17   Bad habits?
  old habit 16.98   Old habits die hard.
  eating habit 15.54   Had her eating habits changed?
  spending habit 5.13   Do we agree on spending habits?
  smoking habit 4.08   The study also surveyed their smoking habits.
  buying habit 3.95   Her buying habits changed as well.
  good habit 3.69   We want good habits.
  drinking habit 3.49   Take drinking habits.
  viewing habit 3.36   Old TV viewing habits die hard.
  driving habit 2.90   --Unsafe driving habits.
  personal habit 2.50   Your personal habits.
  shopping habit 2.30   Supermarkets altered shopping habits.
  nasty habit 2.17   Spitting is such a nasty habit.
  reading habit 2.17   My reading habits have shifted.
  new habit 2.04   Get a new habit.
  dietary habit 1.91   The challenge is to maintain good dietary habits.
  healthy habit 1.84   Instead of dieting, adopt healthy eating habits every day.
  annoying habit 1.78   He has an annoying habit of reappearing.
  changing habit 1.45   Changing buying habits could take time.
  lifelong habit 1.38   Lifelong habits are hard to break.
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