sporadic gunfire 13.82   Sporadic gunfire.
  automatic gunfire 10.07   Militiamen responded with automatic gunfire.
  heavy gunfire 7.90   The earth shook with the sound of heavy gunfire.
  israeli gunfire 6.65   The Israeli gunfire killed one person.
  palestinian gunfire 5.46   Regular bursts of Palestinian gunfire.
  celebratory gunfire 2.96   Some celebratory gunfire rang out.
  serb gunfire 1.91   Serb gunfire has shut the airport down.
  random gunfire 1.78   Random gunfire is constant.
  occasional gunfire 1.18   Occasional gunfire, yes, and even a gang rumble.
  scattered gunfire 1.12   Scattered gunfire was heard yesterday.
  distant gunfire 0.86   I heard a burst of distant gunfire.
  frequent gunfire 0.86   Frequent gunfire and explosions had been heard throughout the night.
  stray gunfire 0.86   He was hit by stray gunfire last year, and the bullet remains near his spine.
  intense gunfire 0.79   There were four minutes of intense gunfire.
  daily gunfire 0.72   The daily gunfire in the streets is nothing more than test firing.
  intermittent gunfire 0.59   Intermittent gunfire continued throughout the early morning hours.
  anti-aircraft gunfire 0.46   The bomber attracted intense anti-aircraft gunfire.
  naval gunfire 0.46   U.S. GIs advance slowly, supported by Marine Corps fighter planes and naval gunfire.
  widespread gunfire 0.46   Hospital officials said there was widespread random gunfire in the southern port of Vlora.
  deadly gunfire 0.39   Few signs remain of the deadly gunfire that erupted two days ago.
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