earnings growth 58.72   Earnings growth is also being squeezed.
  profit growth 55.83   Ayala Land has already seen its profit growth slow.
  job growth 43.32   And job growth has been respectable.
  population growth 38.84   ...the annual rate of population growth.
  revenue growth 20.87   Immelt wants revenue growth.
  export growth 16.59   Their export growth has slowed.
  year growth 15.60   It sees more growth this year.
  productivity growth 10.66   So can faster productivity growth.
  wage growth 10.20   Wage growth is relatively modest.
  employment growth 8.95   Employment growth slowed.
  income growth 6.65   Income growth nearly kept up.
  loan growth 5.66   Loan growth is .
  cell growth 5.07   Genes regulate cell growth.
  world growth 5.00   This is despite impressive world economic growth.
  import growth 4.81   It was the fastest import growth since January.
  quarter growth 4.67   He also estimated June quarter growth at zero.
  business growth 4.21   Non-farm business inventory growth slowed.
  plant growth 3.95   Plant growth increases.
  credit growth 3.55   Restrict credit growth.
  fuel growth 3.36   AIG has invested in emerging markets to fuel growth.
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