file grievance 12.71   Smith might file a grievance.
  air grievance 5.79   You air your grievances.
  address grievance 2.50   There is no way to address their grievances.
  have grievance 2.17   Baseball has its grievances.
  hear grievance 1.58   A biracial faculty committee has been appointed to hear student grievances.
  take grievance 1.51   They usually state that all workplace grievances must be taken to arbitrators.
  discuss grievance 1.18   He is dead by his own hand, and cannot discuss his grievances.
  redress grievance 0.92   Postmodern architecture offered to redress these grievances.
  settle grievance 0.79   The union Decided to settle its grievance in the law courts.
  withdraw grievance 0.59   The union then withdrew the grievance.
  voice grievance 0.53   The general was not reticent in voicing his grievance with this treatment.
  bring grievance 0.46   Diverse array of groups brings grievances to Cologne.
  handle grievance 0.46   The assistance encounter will be in handling customer grievances.
  express grievance 0.39   Instead, it turned into an opportunity for his people to express grievances.
  vent grievance 0.39   He began by letting them all vent their grievances, and that alone took up three weeks.
  drop grievance 0.33   As a result, umpires dropped their grievance.
  ignore grievance 0.33   Indians say government ignores grievances.
  resolve grievance 0.33   The government agreed to launch an investigation to resolve their grievances on Tuesday.
  nurse grievance 0.26   She has been nursing a grievance all week.
  outline grievance 0.26   Before the bombs started dropping, Omar outlined his grievances with the United States in a radio interview.
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