warm greeting 2.83   Marcos did not return the warm greeting.
  traditional greeting 2.50   Kumar gave the traditional Hindu greeting.
  friendly greeting 1.18   No friendly smiles, no friendly greeting.
  electronic greeting 1.12   I love these electronic greetings.
  official greeting 0.92   We extended an official greeting to the ambassador.
  personal greeting 0.92   When you select the card you want, you can add printed personal greetings.
  brief greeting 0.86   He offered brief greetings and an apology by satellite before the event.
  cordial greeting 0.53   We received a cordial greeting from our hostess at the party.
  videotaped greeting 0.53   Instead, the president sent a videotaped greeting.
  enthusiastic greeting 0.46   He received an enthusiastic greeting at the track.
  indian greeting 0.46   At the clinic, Gates joined his hands in a traditional Indian greeting and bowed.
  festive greeting 0.39   A yellow foyer can offer a festive greeting.
  exchanged greeting 0.33   They shook hands, exchanged greetings, and so on.
  hindu greeting 0.33   Kumar gave the traditional Hindu greeting.
  video greeting 0.33   Falwell and Robertson are sending video greetings.
  cheerful greeting 0.26   These frolicking children gave Blair a cheerful greeting.
  curt greeting 0.26   The two men shook hands and exchanged a curt greeting.
  hearty greeting 0.26   It was Cono, and he received hearty greetings all around.
  initial greeting 0.26   But from our initial greetings, he appeared genuine, down-to-earth and believable.
  multimedia greeting 0.26   To enhance your multimedia greetings, graphic animations, sounds and music can be added.
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