visit grave 9.81   Hall visits his grave often.
  dig grave 8.76   Digging a grave.
  find grave 4.02   Later she found a grave in the back yard.
  mark grave 3.69   An unlettered stone marked the grave.
  discover grave 1.97   Two mass graves were discovered last week in the Sinai.
  locate grave 1.51   Loc located the grave several days later, she said.
  desecrate grave 1.45   The vandals were accused of desecrating graves.
  cover grave 1.12   Mass graves were covered by lies.
  see grave 0.92   I like to see her grave looking good.
  open grave 0.86   They seemed to pop out of the ground when a grave was opened.
  decorate grave 0.79   Battered silk flowers decorate several graves.
  dig_up grave 0.79   Mass graves were dug up.
  exhume grave 0.72   Forensic experts to exhume mass graves in Bosnia.
  investigate grave 0.72   Officials to investigate mass graves.
  fill grave 0.59   The gravedigger filled the grave.
  guard grave 0.59   Meanwhile soldiers spent a fifth day guarding the graves of the dissidents.
  contain grave 0.46   Freshly dug fields outside of Sanski Most are believed to contain mass graves but they have not yet been exhumed.
  excavate grave 0.46   Investigators -- in Bosnia since early July -- have so far excavated two graves.
  hold grave 0.46   Nevertheless, historians are hopeful that the Bona Fide site may hold some graves.
  move grave 0.46   Native Americans say moving the graves is not a compromise.
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