import grain 1.84   Only Japan imports more grain.
  sell grain 1.84   Elsewhere, wheat slid as Australia sold grain to Pakistan.
  buy grain 1.51   When there is drought, he must buy grain from the market.
  store grain 1.12   Wharves, wharves for storing grain on the river, wharves.
  have grain 1.05   Most myths have a grain of truth in them.
  harvest grain 0.92   Then cornfield owners can harvest the grain.
  export grain 0.86   Russia still exports some grain.
  send grain 0.86   Weakness in Asia helped send grain and soybean markets lower last week.
  grow grain 0.79   We grew grain and had cattle, swine and chickens.
  use grain 0.79   Almost any grain can be used for a pilaf.
  contain grain 0.66   Do other products contain the grain?
  take grain 0.59   This winter, they took grain.
  eat grain 0.53   The chickens grow up eating whole grains.
  produce grain 0.53   Rinsing the rice before cooking will produce grains that are more separate.
  purchase grain 0.53   The buyer would use the premium to help purchase grain elsewhere.
  raise grain 0.53   The Peel-Away also raised the grain of the wood.
  feed grain 0.46   If grain is fed to a horse it is essential to add a calcium supplement.
  include grain 0.46   A lower dollar makes U.S. exports, including grains, less expensive overseas.
  mix grain 0.46   Grains were mixed.
  coat grain 0.39   Stir quickly and thoroughly until the grains are coated well.
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