whole grain 6.85   Coarse whole grain?
  feed grain 2.30   Feed grain exports could slow.
  wood grain 2.24   But never use a rip saw to cut across wood grain.
  high grain 1.25   High grain prices helping farmers.
  american grain 1.18   But that goes against the American grain.
  higher grain 1.12   Soybeans followed grains higher.
  major grain 1.05   Major grain traders and processors also will be named in the lawsuits.
  big grain 0.99   Kansas was a big grain exporter to Iraq.
  small grain 0.99   They are about the size of a small grain of rice.
  canadian grain 0.92   Vancouver is the largest port for the export of Canadian grain.
  tiny grain 0.92   Carling type gold is composed of tiny grains.
  large grain 0.86   Still uncertain, though, is when large grain movements will begin.
  sand grain 0.86   The embryos are about the size of sand grains.
  state grain 0.86   China sets a target for state grain purchase and then allows the rest to be sold on the open market.
  modified grain 0.79   One problem is that many tests detect only a single type of modified grain.
  surplus grain 0.79   Surplus grain stocks have long been a nightmare scenario for the EU.
  imported grain 0.66   Most of the imported grain was needed for fodder by farms in the Far East.
  long grain 0.66   Steamed long grain white rice, preferably jasmine.
  cheap grain 0.59   And the processors want cheap grain.
  coarse grain 0.59   Coarse whole grain?
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