investment grade 5.73   All are investment grade.
  letter grade 1.97   The letter grades are fine.
  pay grade 0.79   Guess it was above his pay grade?
  school grade 0.72   His English is one school grade higher.
  college grade 0.66   It is best at predicting only first-year college grades.
  ore grade 0.66   The higher output was a result of higher ore grades.
  student grade 0.59   He said the faculty awarded students inflated grades.
  year grade 0.59   Woods was just starting first grade that year.
  above-average grade 0.46   No small-cap growth fund wins above-average grades.
  differentiation grade 0.46   Slides were reviewed to determine the differentiation grade of the tumour.
  exam grade 0.46   Rick had achieved good exam grades.
  test grade 0.46   The first test grades under the new system will be out in a few weeks.
  three grade 0.39   Grade three she got highly commended.
  class grade 0.33   Instead, the state hopes to reduce class size one grade at a time.
  quality grade 0.33   It is a quality grade, not a safety grade.
  math grade 0.26   He watched the boy bring up his math grades so he could play football.
  paper grade 0.26   It said higher prices for some paper grades boosted profits.
  premium grade 0.26   Much of the fuel people funnel into their bodies is far from premium grade.
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