momentum going 1.91   We had the momentum going.
  thing going 1.91   He has a good thing going.
  economy going 1.12   Advertising also helps to keep the economy going.
  streak going 1.05   We have a nice streak going.
  business going 0.79   Royale stays home to keep the family construction business going.
  career going 0.79   She had a career going.
  offense going 0.72   That will get the offense going.
  team going 0.72   He came out and got that team going.
  run going 0.59   Another would keep his run going.
  show going 0.53   But whatever the reason, he is eager to keep his show going.
  car going 0.46   The flywheel gets the car going, while the turbine keeps it cruising.
  dialogue going 0.46   We all need to keep a dialogue going.
  project going 0.46   Fear of a German bomb got the U.S. project going.
  adrenaline going 0.39   It gets the adrenaline going.
  conversation going 0.39   She could always keep a conversation going.
  drive going 0.39   Four times, he kept the drive going.
  fire going 0.39   They act like him, and they have this fire theme going.
  government going 0.39   Some critics of this approach object to the idea of government funding going to any group motivated by faith.
  program going 0.39   The money has helped keep the Russian space program going.
  deal going 0.33   Under a sweetheart deal going back many years, he can deduct maintenance costs from his rent bill.
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