early going 18.43   At least not in the early going.
  tough going 4.54   It is tough going.
  slow going 3.55   It is slow going.
  lead going 3.16   I had a two-stroke lead going into today.
  rough going 2.24   Rough going.
  late going 1.91   Fitch noticed he was tired in the late going.
  heavy going 1.78   I also found the style heavy going.
  hard going 1.45   It was hard going.
  confident going 1.12   And pretty confident going into Nashville.
  good going 0.99   Good going.
  game going 0.92   That fuming got his game going.
  easy going 0.86   Easy going.
  party going 0.66   What, is there a party going?
  favorite going 0.59   Yet, Holyfield was the favorite going into the fight.
  first going 0.59   You made the right move by first going directly to the perfumed co-workers.
  little going 0.59   We were a little confident going into the match.
  comfortable going 0.53   Comfortable going up, dicey coming down.
  bronze going 0.46   Ohno struggled back to his feet to take the silver medal with bronze going to Turcotte.
  kept going 0.46   But then the number killed just kept going up and up.
  soft going 0.46   Daliapour could benefit most from the soft going.
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