same go 5.20   Does the same go for Brodeur?
  saying go 4.61   As the saying goes, stay tuned.
  reasoning go 2.04   They are, the reasoning goes, fresh as salad.
  thinking go 1.78   To kill a cancer, the thinking goes, starve it.
  first go 0.66   She won on her first go.
  second go 0.66   The Germans wanted a second go at fixing the limb.
  down go 0.59   Down goes Jane.
  let go 0.59   Shift into low range, point the Disco down a muddy hill, push the button and let go.
  letting go 0.53   The letting go is hard.
  case go 0.33   That issue will be decided later if the case goes to trial.
  deeper go 0.33   Esquerre, says Anderson, goes deeper.
  last go 0.33   This could be the last go around for Utah.
  next go 0.33   Yeah you miss your next go !
  far go 0.26   NATO says taking in new members will strengthen security and go far to solving regional problems.
  free go 0.26   Mike refuses, takes the rap, and Ernie goes free.
  game go 0.26   Levens gets better as the game goes on.
  good go 0.26   I gave a pretty good go.
  rough go 0.26   It has been a rough go.
  tough go 0.26   Still, this is a tough go for CBS.
  tougher go 0.26   Simpson, however, is having a tougher go of it, according to agents and publishers.
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