circle globe 6.58   A payroll that could circle the globe?
  circumnavigate globe 2.57   The first ship to circumnavigate the globe.
  travel globe 2.50   Will they retire and travel the globe?
  span globe 2.04   Other tours span the globe.
  scour globe 0.86   Venables has already scoured the globe for candidates.
  crisscross globe 0.66   And I find it fascinating to see descriptions of lives that crisscrossed the globe only to end in Austin.
  sweep globe 0.46   In theory, it could have swept the globe in a day, just as the Love Bug did.
  cover globe 0.33   The satellites now cover the globe.
  roam globe 0.33   Po resumed roaming the globe with Young in May.
  search globe 0.33   Memories of the days when trains belched smoke and emitted piercing whistles send buffs searching the globe for a ride behind a vintage engine.
  cross globe 0.26   For decades, Tung Chee-hwa has overseen a fleet of ships that crosses the globe.
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