first glimpse 11.13   It was their first glimpse of him.
  rare glimpse 6.06   Oh, there have been rare glimpses of imperfection.
  brief glimpse 3.88   SEX Brief glimpses of nudity.
  fleeting glimpse 1.45   She caught a fleeting glimpse of him.
  occasional glimpse 1.38   There were occasional glimpses of very green countryside.
  quick glimpse 1.18   There is also a quick glimpse of explicit gay porn.
  last glimpse 1.12   The fans wanted their last glimpse.
  tantalizing glimpse 0.99   Getty Center reveals itself in tantalizing glimpses.
  fascinating glimpse 0.92   There also are some fascinating glimpses into mysteries of the Soviet past.
  early glimpse 0.72   Early glimpses of this future are already available.
  better glimpse 0.59   At the university, students shoved and pushed for a better glimpse.
  final glimpse 0.59   In the songs, there was a final glimpse of Ireland.
  revealing glimpse 0.59   Nonetheless, it offers a revealing glimpse at how some holy warriors see their cause.
  public glimpse 0.53   Moussaoui offered a public glimpse of his political and religious beliefs.
  detailed glimpse 0.46   Those documents might have provided a detailed glimpse of his own financial affairs.
  interesting glimpse 0.46   For one thing, it offers interesting glimpses of how record clubs operate.
  intriguing glimpse 0.46   The Plus devices offer several other intriguing glimpses of the future.
  unusual glimpse 0.46   The profiles offer unusual anecdotal glimpses of French history.
  vivid glimpse 0.46   The unusual debate itself has given Chinese a vivid glimpse at democratic discourse.
  behind-the-scenes glimpse 0.39   The tapes also offer a behind-the-scenes glimpse of life in the White House.
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