marketing gimmick 3.55   A marketing gimmick?
  promotional gimmick 1.91   What promotional gimmick will be tried tonight?
  new gimmick 1.05   A new gimmick was needed.
  political gimmick 0.99   Pundits immediately dismissed the proposal as a political gimmick.
  accounting gimmick 0.92   To some degree, the approach is an accounting gimmick.
  fiscal gimmick 0.72   In flush times, the state ought to be able to abandon its usual fiscal gimmicks.
  fund-raising gimmick 0.53   Is that a fund-raising gimmick?
  advertising gimmick 0.39   It was, he admits, an advertising gimmick.
  budgetary gimmick 0.39   He criticized it for budgetary gimmicks and pork barrel projects.
  latest gimmick 0.39   His latest gimmick?
  sales gimmick 0.39   All toy companies are constantly seeking new sales gimmicks.
  common gimmick 0.33   The yellow ducks are a common fund-raising gimmick.
  cheap gimmick 0.26   A cheap gimmick, in other words.
  clever gimmick 0.26   But critics say Working Assets is just another for-profit corporation with a clever marketing gimmick.
  good gimmick 0.26   I give Hiller credit for a good gimmick.
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