human gene 15.27   How many human genes are there?
  new gene 6.19   She sleeps peacefully, new genes swirling in her blood.
  single gene 5.86   Both diseases are caused by flaws in a single gene.
  defective gene 5.00   The disease is caused by a defective gene.
  mutated gene 3.95   She had the mutated gene.
  same gene 3.75   Identical twins have the same genes.
  mutant gene 3.36   Cancer results from mutant genes.
  specific gene 3.36   It lacks a specific gene.
  different gene 2.76   They repeated the procedure with different genes.
  responsible gene 2.44   The gene responsible for the activity is FABI, Levy said.
  good gene 2.17   I have good genes.
  normal gene 1.97   The normal gene is on two chromosomes of the fruit fly.
  foreign gene 1.91   Sometimes plants accept foreign genes with a little help from plant geneticists.
  recessive gene 1.91   Is damn foolishness a recessive gene?
  particular gene 1.84   The dogs were blind because they lacked a particular gene.
  first gene 1.71   In fact, the very first human gene therapy patient had a similar disease.
  the gene 1.71   Then they tried deleting three of the four genes.
  faulty gene 1.65   The disease is caused by a faulty gene.
  active gene 1.45   Many strings signify a very active gene.
  healthy gene 1.45   Some healthy genes actually were transferred.
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