plastic garbage 4.34   When those were filled, they used plastic garbage bags.
  black garbage 1.78   Black garbage bags choked dark recesses.
  uncollected garbage 1.51   The uncollected garbage mounts in city streets.
  rotting garbage 1.45   The stench of rotting garbage is unbearable.
  burning garbage 0.92   Someone said they must be burning garbage.
  huge garbage 0.79   Huge garbage tanks were put across the street to block the march.
  household garbage 0.66   Subsidizing household garbage disposals may also be useful.
  municipal garbage 0.59   In Nancy, police broke up a barricade outside a municipal garbage dump.
  local garbage 0.46   Rushing to the local garbage dump, the businessman was given the money by the tramp, the report said.
  collecting garbage 0.39   Agbayani thinks he might have gone to work collecting garbage.
  foreign garbage 0.39   The same might be said about foreign garbage.
  recyclable garbage 0.39   The blue is for recyclable garbage.
  regular garbage 0.39   The gray is for regular garbage.
  residential garbage 0.39   McGuire referred to the waste, which would be transported by rail, as residential garbage.
  torn garbage 0.39   A TV network showed a chicken poking its head out of a torn garbage bag at a dump site.
  overturned garbage 0.33   Salah a-Din was blocked with a flaming barricade of overturned garbage bins.
  private garbage 0.33   Many neighborhoods have gates, security patrols, private garbage collection and their own water supplies.
  big garbage 0.26   I also keep an eye out for those big garbage bags of leaves left by city workers raking up the parks.
  blue garbage 0.26   Cooper said Japanese fans take blue garbage bags with them, which they wave during the game.
  commercial garbage 0.26   The commercial garbage is already trucked out of the city.
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