traditional garb 3.75   Traditional Arab garb is a must.
  military garb 1.91   Military garb, too, got the treatment.
  clerical garb 1.32   He persists in wearing his clerical garb.
  black garb 0.86   His black garb is hip, not holy.
  religious garb 0.59   He appeared in court in traditional religious Jewish garb.
  muslim garb 0.53   Three children in Muslim garb strolled past.
  colorful garb 0.46   Soon, the church lawn bore its own colorful Easter garb.
  western garb 0.46   At the bar, a wiry fellow in exaggerated western garb is holding court.
  afghan garb 0.39   Beyond a guardhouse, clusters of young men in Afghan tribal garb move about languidly.
  civilian garb 0.39   ...a familiar figure in civilian garb.
  period garb 0.39   A Colonial theme park with actors in period garb.
  african garb 0.33   They tend to be older black men and women, many dressed in African garb.
  arab garb 0.26   Traditional Arab garb is a must.
  native garb 0.26   He succeeds by filming his two sons in made-up native garb.
  tribal garb 0.26   Beyond a guardhouse, clusters of young men in Afghan tribal garb move about languidly.
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