play game 271.89   We played games, you and I.
  win game 200.73   And it won the game.
  miss game 116.72   Allen has never missed a game.
  leave game 81.57   Both then left the game.
  lose game 75.51   And lost another game.
  have game 67.41   You can have a game.
  tie game 55.10   And the game was tied.
  start game 50.43   But he only started four games.
  watch game 50.43   He is watching the game I play.
  enter game 41.61   But then Spacey entered the game.
  end game 33.11   Garciaparra fanned to end the game.
  attend game 27.65   - attend games.
  take game 20.80   He took a few games off.
  finish game 18.56   He finishes the game.
  dominate game 16.06   He dominated a game.
  schedule game 15.47   Five other games are scheduled.
  love game 13.69   Love the game.
  see game 12.57   He sees the game.
  turn game 11.92   Turn a game.
  control game 11.85   Can control a game.
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