stock gain 21.40   Bank stocks gained.
  dollar gain 15.87   The dollar gained.
  company gain 14.29   Chemical companies gained.
  share gain 11.52   Oil shares gained.
  price gain 9.87   Tokyo share prices gained.
  bond gain 6.58   Bonds gained.
  issue gain 5.27   Mining issues gained.
  party gain 5.00   No party would gain a seat.
  market gain 3.75   European markets gained.
  movement gain 3.49   The movement is gaining momentum.
  team gain 3.49   Both teams gained a point each.
  idea gain 3.42   This idea is gaining adherents.
  woman gain 3.42   Women are gaining on you.
  economy gain 3.03   But the U.S. economy has clearly gained.
  people gain 3.03   People gained weight.
  future gain 2.96   Cocoa futures gained.
  index gain 2.83   European indices gained.
  group gain 2.63   Homosexual groups gained uncommon entree.
  currency gain 2.57   Other Southeast Asian currencies also gained.
  investor gain 2.44   The investor gains when the stock price rises.
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