system function 3.29   Based on my experience, the jury system functions.
  government function 1.71   But at least the government is functioning.
  kidney function 1.05   Her kidney was functioning better.
  market function 0.92   It is intended to mimic the way a competitive market functions.
  brain function 0.79   Your brain is indeed functioning.
  organization function 0.66   The big question is how well the organization can function without Asahara.
  service function 0.66   Neupert added that the service was functioning normally within an hour.
  cell function 0.59   This enables the skin cells to function properly again.
  court function 0.59   Much remains to be done before the court can function properly.
  lung function 0.59   The lungs function like a bellows, pushing the air up.
  office function 0.59   Many government offices functioned out of Kandahar.
  people function 0.59   Some people would function better at a coffeehouse or in a park, Froggatt said.
  school function 0.59   Their son had a school function and wanted one of his parents there.
  country function 0.53   And the country functioned just fine.
  economy function 0.53   But he said no economy can function properly if dishonesty is widespread.
  group function 0.53   But at least the group still functions.
  institution function 0.53   No institution can function without a feedback loop to tell it what it is doing right and wrong.
  body function 0.46   Her body now functions well with one kidney.
  heart function 0.46   When the heart is functioning properly, its four chambers beat in a well-orchestrated way.
  machine function 0.46   The new machine functions well.
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