toxic fume 8.23   It emits no toxic fumes.
  noxious fume 4.48   Many household products give off noxious fumes.
  poisonous fume 1.45   Poisonous fumes killed many of them.
  chemical fume 0.86   Inhaling chemical fumes, smoke and pollution can cause lung damage.
  dangerous fume 0.86   No dangerous fumes were believed to have been released.
  acrid fume 0.72   Acrid fumes from the gunfire drifted round the silent room.
  deadly fume 0.59   A grill used indoors can emit deadly fumes.
  foul-smelling fume 0.46   Police rushed to the passage near a railway station on reports of foul-smelling fumes.
  mysterious fume 0.46   Mysterious pungent fumes caused panic at the school, but the nature and source of the fumes were not immediately clear.
  black fume 0.33   Black fumes were coming off the engine.
  unidentified fume 0.33   They were overcome by unidentified toxic fumes and died, Antara said.
  hazardous fume 0.26   It creates no hazardous fumes and leaves a dry powder that can be swept or vacuumed up.
  irritating fume 0.26   She found the living room filled with irritating fumes.
  pungent fume 0.26   Even then, when she spoke, her voice was quivery and soft from the pungent fumes of the chiles.
  smelling fume 0.26   In those three hours, workers and residents in the area reported smelling fumes.
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