new frontier 10.47   New frontiers.
  next frontier 3.23   The next frontier?
  disputed frontier 2.63   Shelling leaves ghost towns on disputed frontier.
  final frontier 2.63   The final frontier.
  rugged frontier 2.17   He was in the rugged frontier capital of Peshawar on Saturday.
  western frontier 2.17   Education i. guardian of ideals Western frontier.
  northern frontier 1.91   The situation was very different on the northern frontier.
  last frontier 1.58   Alaska is known as the last frontier.
  american frontier 1.51   The death of the American frontier.
  electronic frontier 1.12   Whatever happened to the electronic frontier?
  common frontier 1.05   But differences remain over the exact demarcation of the eastern sector of the common frontier.
  eastern frontier 0.99   But the eastern frontier is a source of constant tension.
  national frontier 0.92   National frontiers were fiercely guarded by soldiers and customs men.
  pakistani frontier 0.92   The meeting was held in the Pakistani frontier city of Peshawar.
  mountainous frontier 0.86   The mountainous frontier between Tibet, India and Nepal is almost impossible to police.
  external frontier 0.79   Community leaders want to strengthen controls at external frontiers.
  old frontier 0.79   And there was a touch of the old frontier.
  afghan frontier 0.72   Iran responded by building up its forces along the Afghan frontier.
  wild frontier 0.72   But DVD burning still has the rough-and-ready ambience of the wild frontier.
  indian frontier 0.59   Her views were shared by many of the villagers along the Indian frontier.
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