russian freighter 1.71   All three hijackers and a pilot on board were rescued by a Russian freighter.
  rusty freighter 1.05   There was an old rusty freighter out in the bay that was used as a buoy.
  british freighter 0.66   A British freighter due to carry a shipment of processed nuclear waste to Japan left this northern port on Monday.
  chinese freighter 0.66   Kim snuck on board a Chinese freighter in Inchon port west of Seoul Saturday.
  nigerian freighter 0.59   The organisation has a boat following the Nigerian freighter.
  small freighter 0.59   The Detroit River was crowded then with small freighters carrying large crews.
  turkish freighter 0.59   The first ship to enter the improved harbor was a Turkish freighter, the newspaper said.
  german freighter 0.53   A German freighter sighted the boat on Friday afternoon and alerted the coastguards.
  north_korean freighter 0.53   Fake U.S. bills found aboard North Korean freighter.
  norwegian freighter 0.53   Bobbie and her friends were plucked out of the sea by the crew of a Norwegian freighter.
  panamanian freighter 0.53   Nine others survived and were rescued by a passing Panamanian freighter.
  passing freighter 0.53   Waves from a passing freighter rocked their boat.
  south_korean freighter 0.46   Police say South Korean freighter sank U.S. yacht.
  coastal freighter 0.39   Coastal freighters, most fishing boats and pleasure craft are exempt.
  greek freighter 0.39   A fire broke out on a Greek freighter Tuesday after it crossed the Bosporus Strait.
  japanese freighter 0.39   Three ships arrived Friday, including a Japanese freighter carrying bananas from the Philippines.
  crippled freighter 0.33   The survivors said Saturday they listened helplessly as trapped shipmates slid beneath the seas with their crippled freighter.
  iranian freighter 0.33   Authorities in Antwerp, Belgium, seized explosives and mortar parts last March amid crates of pickles and garlic aboard an Iranian freighter.
  liberian freighter 0.33   They planned to ship the choppers from there on a Liberian freighter.
  old freighter 0.26   There was an old rusty freighter out in the bay that was used as a buoy.
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