settlement freeze 3.03   Meretz wants a comlete settlement freeze.
  pay freeze 2.83   Many companies have imposed a pay freeze.
  rate freeze 2.70   The rate freeze will end next year.
  price freeze 2.11   British Gas has announced a price freeze from April the First.
  aid freeze 1.84   Now, he said, only Britain and Ireland still oppose an aid freeze.
  six-month freeze 1.65   The Israeli-Syrian talks resumed in December after a six-month freeze.
  ground freeze 1.25   Should I fill it before the ground freezes?
  salary freeze 1.25   Instead, most companies are using salary freezes and hiring freezes to suppress costs.
  asset freeze 1.05   The asset freeze is largely symbolic, since Belgrade has few assets abroad.
  construction freeze 0.86   The United States and the Palestinians have called for a construction freeze.
  mid-april freeze 0.59   Wheat in southwestern Kansas was damaged by a mid-April freeze.
  four-year freeze 0.53   On Monday, diplomats from Macedonia arrived in Greece for the first talks between the neighbors after a four-year freeze.
  one-year freeze 0.53   A one-year freeze on the repatriation of foreign funds was also imposed.
  water freeze 0.53   Trouble is, the water freezes, making it hazardous.
  government freeze 0.46   St. Lucia announced a government hiring freeze and said pay raises would be deferred.
  spring freeze 0.46   First it was apple orchards, wiped out in successive spring freezes.
  winter freeze 0.46   My wacky aunt takes a swim before the lake freezes every winter.
  two-year freeze 0.39   Agriculture Minister Stefanos Tzoumakas accepted some demands, including a two-year freeze on farmers long-term debts.
  credit freeze 0.33   Those credits would be offset by credit freezes elsewhere.
  four-month freeze 0.33   However, the later suspension of the decision reimposed the four-month freeze.
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