police free 5.33   Police freed the hostages Monday.
  government free 5.20   The government later freed the two.
  rebel free 4.15   The ELN rebels freed him.
  court free 3.36   The court freed four others.
  authority free 1.84   Authorities freed her.
  kidnapper free 1.84   On Friday the kidnappers freed two hostages.
  guerrilla free 1.38   The guerrillas freed most of the captives hours later.
  judge free 1.38   A judge freed them in May, finding they were jailed too long without a hearing.
  move free 1.12   Both moves freed up cash.
  decision free 0.86   She says the decision has freed her.
  force free 0.86   NATO forces freed two other pilots.
  soldier free 0.86   Israeli soldiers freed the girl, Roe added.
  group free 0.79   The rescue came hours after the group had freed another hostage.
  gunman free 0.72   The gunman freed two of the hostages.
  hostage free 0.59   Ten hostages freed in Somalia.
  man free 0.59   Two Hong Kong men freed from prison.
  official free 0.59   Neither were judicial and court officials free from the taint of corruption.
  troop free 0.59   Government troops free some hostages.
  worker free 0.59   Rescue workers would free her.
  service free 0.53   The service could free families for a short time.
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