get franc
2.37 |
That means Bic gets more francs for the dollars it earns. |
weaken franc
1.65 |
That also would tend to weaken the franc. |
devalue franc
0.79 |
The franc was devalued again. |
earn franc
0.79 |
You must earn your francs the hard way. |
receive franc
0.59 |
Axa therefore received fewer francs per dollar contributed by U.S. businesses. |
defend franc
0.53 |
The reserves, he said, are necessary in emergencies to help defend the franc. |
hurt franc
0.53 |
The franc was also hurt by political uncertainty as the French presidential election neared. |
boost franc
0.46 |
Lower French interest rates boosted the franc against the German mark. |
help franc
0.46 |
The franc was also helped by firmness of the dollar against the mark. |
mean franc
0.46 |
But culture in this case means francs. |
make franc
0.39 |
At least one cabernet franc is made in Idaho. |
support franc
0.39 |
In Paris, dealers said the Bank of France had intervened to support the franc on Monday. |
undermine franc
0.39 |
The franc has been undermined by political tension in France during the campaign for the French presidency. |
accept franc
0.33 |
Pay phones accept only francs. |
change franc
0.33 |
The French franc was little changed. |
keep franc
0.33 |
Mainland Africans are not the only ones to keep their franc, while tying it to the euro. |
protect franc
0.33 |
Interest rates had to be raised to protect the franc during the recent currency turmoil. |
sell franc
0.33 |
One trader said many operators had begun selling francs. |
affect franc
0.26 |
The weakness of the dollar also affected the franc. |
use franc
0.26 |
Monaco also uses French francs. |