bone fragment 5.86   He started digging and found bone fragments.
  bullet fragment 3.95   Her head still holds seven bullet fragments.
  bomb fragment 2.04   They had been hit by bomb fragments, he said.
  sentence fragment 1.65   Sentence fragments are good.
  shell fragment 1.65   The mother was struck by a shell fragment and killed.
  gene fragment 1.45   Each gene fragment is designed to catch one and only one gene.
  missile fragment 1.12   The Aberdeen lab tested missile fragments recovered from al-Nibai.
  protein fragment 1.12   They could recognize protein fragments but not kill the cells.
  mortar fragment 0.66   The husband died in January after being hit by mortar fragments.
  skull fragment 0.66   Skull fragments had to be removed from his brain.
  body fragment 0.59   Each body fragment is part of the puzzle.
  grenade fragment 0.59   He was wounded by grenade fragments but refused to evacuate until the hill was secured.
  comet fragment 0.53   Scientists also expected to see water vapor from the comet fragments themselves.
  warhead fragment 0.53   The Iraqis also provided a report on their analysis of missile warhead fragments for VX nerve agent.
  rock fragment 0.39   Rock fragments bounce off helmets.
  antibody fragment 0.33   We have made retrovirus particles displaying a functional antibody fragment.
  bat fragment 0.33   And then came that weird moment, when he tossed the bat fragment in front of Mike Piazza.
  forest fragment 0.33   They identified pairs of forest fragments connected by corridors of forest.
  restriction fragment 0.33   Five EcoRI restriction fragments are detected among phenotypes.
  rocket fragment 0.33   He can name which part of the human body was penetrated by each slug and pellet, each bit of shrapnel or rocket fragment.
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