draw foul 9.15   He draws fouls on the Lakers.
  call foul 7.77   No foul was called.
  commit foul 4.67   No one commits a foul anymore.
  have foul 3.69   Bryant had three fouls.
  pick_up foul 1.38   Pick up fouls.
  get foul 1.12   He was afraid of getting fouls.
  follow foul 0.66   Rose was able to remain in the game, even sinking both free throws following the foul.
  whistle foul 0.53   The Mexican referee amazingly did not even whistle a foul.
  argue foul 0.33   He was hit with a technical while arguing a foul.
  avoid foul 0.33   Sound defense is the best way to avoid fouls.
  give foul 0.33   A better referee would have given fouls against Dowie most of the game...
  collect foul 0.26   Then he collected a foul.
  fake foul 0.26   Rodman is a virtual black belt in the art of faking a foul.
  hit foul 0.26   He hit several fouls in a row.
  receive foul 0.26   Notre Dame found itself in trouble early when Riley received two quick fouls.
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