flagrant foul 13.69   No flagrant fouls.
  offensive foul 5.07   Offensive foul.
  fourth foul 5.00   You fouled out on the fourth foul, not the fifth.
  hard foul 4.41   It was a hard foul.
  third foul 3.09   It was the third foul of the evening.
  quick foul 2.83   Cash drew two quick fouls.
  intentional foul 2.57   It was an intentional foul.
  fifth foul 2.37   Leslie also picked up her fifth foul.
  second foul 1.97   Two minutes later, after his second foul, Ewing was on the bench.
  early foul 1.71   Williams drew two early fouls.
  professional foul 1.45   Under FIFA rules a player who commits a professional foul must be shown a red card.
  sixth foul 1.25   His sixth foul was a joke.
  charging foul 0.79   That resulted in seven charging fouls.
  pop foul 0.66   Phillies catcher Mike Lieberthal dropped a pop foul a step from home plate.
  bad foul 0.59   If you do a bad foul it is red immediately.
  questionable foul 0.53   They are to be avoided and tagged with any questionable fouls.
  silly foul 0.53   Davis never seems to make a silly foul.
  blocking foul 0.46   Harper also thought it was a blocking foul.
  clear foul 0.46   It was a clear foul by Mike Ford.
  double foul 0.46   A similar incident in the third quarter drew a double foul.
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