new format 15.67   We hope you like the new format.
  digital format 5.33   Films are shot on digital formats.
  different format 4.08   Different format.
  standard format 3.03   The new labels will take a standard format.
  same format 2.30   The same format as the MODIFICATION-RECORDS-ARE date.
  electronic format 1.58   The journals are available in electronic format.
  current format 1.38   Anything but the current format.
  similar format 1.38   Reich used a similar format for many of her shows.
  large format 1.32   He then prints on a large format laser printer.
  video format 1.25   Fine, you say, yet another video format.
  audio format 1.05   One battle is over audio format.
  larger format 1.05   If you want to send in larger formats, you can.
  traditional format 1.05   But both eschew the traditional TV format.
  alternate-shot format 0.99   An alternate-shot format will be used in the four afternoon matches.
  old format 0.92   But the new software lets you save files in the old format.
  present format 0.86   He was one of the chief architects of the present scheduling format.
  popular format 0.79   The files are compatible with the popular ZIP format.
  scheduling format 0.79   The league has already decided on the scheduling format.
  alternative format 0.66   Matthews says the band clearly benefited from the emerging alternative format.
  best format 0.66   And unscripted exchanges are not his best format.
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