economic forecast 10.73   EU economic forecast to be released.
  new forecast 5.20   The new forecast will be made today.
  optimistic forecast 4.41   But many experts doubt the optimistic forecast.
  earlier forecast 4.21   Revised earlier forecast.
  sales forecast 4.02   Sales forecasts were not available.
  long-range forecast 3.23   Talk about long-range forecasts.
  gloomy forecast 2.90   Coach Barry Switzer gave a gloomy forecast.
  latest forecast 2.83   The latest forecasts call for up to seven inches.
  revised forecast 2.57   Did the revised forecast surprise you?
  long-term forecast 2.30   Long-term forecasts are glowing.
  official forecast 2.04   The official forecast is for zero growth.
  previous forecast 2.04   That is in line with previous forecasts.
  bullish forecast 1.78   Wheat rallied on bullish long-term forecasts.
  private forecast 1.78   Private forecasts differ.
  financial forecast 1.65   He also had a bad track record for missing financial forecasts.
  dire forecast 1.51   Those dire forecasts proved unfounded.
  pessimistic forecast 1.38   Pessimistic forecasts?
  accurate forecast 1.05   It also will produce more accurate forecasts.
  average forecast 1.05   A host of companies beat average forecasts today.
  current forecast 1.05   He did not say if this was the current forecast.
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