resort force 2.04   Authorities had promised not to resort to force to end the crisis.
  sue force 1.58   Digital is suing to force Intel to stop making Pentium chips.
  use force 1.45   It did not say what threats the tribe used to force the shutdown.
  say force 1.05   If forced, he said, his organization will take the fight to federal court.
  court force 0.72   The government has gone to court to force the landowners to renew.
  impose force 0.72   The sanctions were imposed to force Buyoya to open peace talks with the rebels.
  rally force 0.66   They rallied to force a seventh game, but lost that one as well.
  be force 0.53   But how forced the method is!
  launch force 0.53   The campaign was launched to force Milosevic to accept a peace plan for Kosovo.
  campaign force 0.39   He has been campaigning to force U.S. businesses to end use of sweatshop labor abroad.
  do force 0.39   It might have been done to force a delay, said group activist Kenji Chiyomaru.
  intervene force 0.39   But it would also represent the first time humans have deliberately intervened to force an evolutionary change in another species.
  load force 0.39   Foulke walking Mike Piazza with the bases loaded to force home the first run.
  battle force 0.26   But Hingis battled to force a tiebreaker.
  call force 0.26   In August last year the union suspended a strike called to force the military from power.
  fight force 0.26   Hezbollah has been fighting to force the Israelis to withdraw.
  strike force 0.26   Doctors have even threatened to strike to force a meeting with Klaus.
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