play football 78.80   He plays football.
  throw football 6.32   And threw the football.
  watch football 5.92   Some men watch football.
  run football 4.87   They ran the football.
  love football 3.29   I love football.
  have football 2.70   They have football.
  quit football 2.70   And so he quit football.
  coach football 2.63   I knew how to coach football.
  know football 2.11   He knows football.
  toss football 2.11   Older kids tossed footballs.
  drop football 2.04   We dropped the football . . .
  talk football 1.97   They talk football.
  carry football 1.84   He carried the football.
  leave football 1.78   Sanders was saying he was leaving football.
  catch football 1.71   He can catch the football.
  kick football 1.71   Kick a football.
  take football 1.58   Take football.
  see football 1.51   See the football last night?
  move football 1.38   We moved the football.
  bring football 1.32   He brought professional football to middle America.
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