former follower 2.76   Former follower sentenced on eve of Asahara trial.
  armed follower 1.78   Two armed followers flee into the woods.
  loyal follower 1.51   And each man had loyal followers.
  devoted follower 1.25   Even some non-drinkers are fiercely devoted followers.
  female follower 1.25   Other detractors alleged he had sexual relations with female followers.
  faithful follower 0.99   I am a faithful follower of this series.
  militant follower 0.72   Militant followers of both sects have formed groups that routinely clash.
  new follower 0.72   The hard-liners say they are recruiting new followers.
  avid follower 0.66   I had been an avid follower of test cricket.
  chinese follower 0.66   Tiananmen Square protests by Chinese followers have dwindled to almost nil.
  longtime follower 0.66   Other longtime followers of Navistar International Inc. agree.
  suspected follower 0.66   Thousands of suspected followers have been detained in China.
  ardent follower 0.59   Patience, as one ardent follower said, is her shining quality.
  orthodox follower 0.59   Police officials blamed the incident on Orthodox followers.
  fervent follower 0.53   It is unclear how many Chinese are fervent followers.
  close follower 0.46   Nearly all his close followers have confessed in court.
  foreign follower 0.46   This is the fourth and largest protest to date on Tiananmen Square by foreign followers of the group.
  party follower 0.46   Party followers burned tires near the Congressional Palace.
  young follower 0.46   The presence of soldiers, even several hundred yards away, incensed young followers.
  church follower 0.39   Both are on the run from police, sheltered in the capital by church followers.
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