old folk 7.64   Old folks play.
  ordinary folk 7.31   We have been ordinary folks.
  black folk 5.86   Black folks holler.
  common folk 3.95   The common folk like the idea.
  older folk 3.82   Older folks first, then.
  regular folk 3.75   Regular folk.
  young folk 2.76   Young folks are thinking ahead.
  local folk 2.57   And local folks were proud of Gousha.
  good folk 2.30   Good folks.
  home folk 2.24   The home folks needed a kick start.
  rich folk 1.97   Really rich folks.
  rural folk 1.91   One difference is that rural folks have less privacy.
  same folk 1.91   Now the same folks are offering free food as the incentive.
  white folk 1.91   Even white folks may come to miss it.
  poor folk 1.84   Most poor folks are not black.
  plain folk 1.65   The burghers were plain folk who became heroes.
  average folk 1.38   Miss Bertha is average folks, good people.
  everyday folk 1.18   They seemed to neighbors like everyday folks.
  younger folk 1.12   What are the younger folks drinking?
  friendly folk 0.92   Friendly folks.
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