abortion foe 8.43   Abortion foes quickly denounced it.
  tobacco foe 2.04   That decision was largely seen as a victory for tobacco foes.
  wartime foe 1.12   His wartime foes responded with fingers pointed in blame at the United States.
  battlefield foe 0.99   Battlefield foes marshal tens of thousands in election rallies.
  government foe 0.79   Government foes are demanding early elections.
  first-round foe 0.53   By the luck of the draw, they were first-round foes Tuesday at Madison Square Garden.
  division foe 0.46   They will play Indianapolis, another division foe, on Sunday.
  industry foe 0.39   Durbin has been a leading tobacco industry foe on Capitol Hill for more than a decade.
  playoff foe 0.39   The dynamic duo could dominate playoff foes.
  conference foe 0.33   Twelve of those losses were to conference foes.
  rebel foe 0.33   But his rebel Serb foes shrugged it off and pressed on with their war goals.
  business foe 0.26   Since the judges began deliberating in October, Napster has made friends with former business foes like Bertelsmann AG, the parent company of the BMG music unit.
  election foe 0.26   Ratsiraka set up his capital in the eastern port of Toamasina after his election foe declared himself president in February.
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