plane flying 2.50   The alarm was the result an unidentified plane flying into vulnerable airspace.
  flag flying 2.37   Loud and proud, yodelers keep Swiss flag flying.
  aircraft flying 2.17   All of Manhattan Island looks like an aircraft flying to London.
  helicopter flying 2.04   We watched a helicopter flying low over the harbour.
  debris flying 1.12   The explosion sent chairs and debris flying.
  kite flying 0.99   As hobbies go, kite flying is very weather dependant.
  night flying 0.79   Some will teach night helicopter flying and other specialized skills.
  jet flying 0.72   Letterman taped a show from his home in Connecticut and i aboard a jet flying to Miami.
  hair flying 0.59   She was running down the stairs, her hair flying.
  ball flying 0.33   While Ewing did not send the ball flying into the first row, his nifty deflection derailed a crucial opportunity.
  time flying 0.33   Five points down, time flying.
  airline flying 0.26   Officials have been anxious to keep the airline flying.
  day flying 0.26   If he had the chance he would fly all night long and also do any day flying.
  formation flying 0.26   He says formation flying is a doddle.
  reconnaissance flying 0.26   A series of satellite and ground-station links provided live video from an unmanned reconnaissance aircraft flying over Europe.
  start flying 0.26   Wait till the eggs start flying!
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