body float 2.44   Sometimes a body floats up.
  currency float 1.71   Ecuador to let currency float.
  peso float 1.51   The peso floats more-or-less freely.
  ball float 1.18   The ball floated away.
  balloon float 0.92   That is the height at which the balloons float past.
  cloud float 0.79   Dark clouds floated across the moon.
  administration float 0.72   The administration had floated the idea of increased taxes on beer, spirits and tobacco.
  boat float 0.72   Their boats floated away in the lake.
  astronaut float 0.66   The astronauts floated a few supplies in and out of the station.
  baht float 0.66   Last week the Thai central bank allowed the baht to float.
  government float 0.66   With ENEL, the price will depend on how much the government will float.
  official float 0.66   City officials first floated the seizure plan about a month ago.
  ship float 0.59   The ship can still float.
  idea float 0.53   Big, even cosmic, ideas float around the subject of retirement.
  rumor float 0.53   He said numerous rumors were floating around.
  company float 0.46   The company also floated several subsidiaries.
  woman float 0.46   At the luxurious Camino Real, a lone woman floated in the pool.
  corpse float 0.39   Make my corpse float?
  plane float 0.39   An enemy plane floats across your sights.
  real float 0.39   Four weeks ago, Cardoso broke a longstanding pledge by allowing the real to float freely against the dollar.
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