battle flag 9.55   Some of the flags are battle flags.
  caution flag 7.04   The caution flags?
  rebel flag 3.42   The rebel flags unfurled.
  corner flag 2.83   Nor is the love affair with the corner flag.
  paper flag 1.32   A young protester touched his lighter to a paper Italian flag.
  miniature flag 1.25   A miniature American flag.
  penalty flag 1.25   A penalty flag fell.
  protest flag 1.25   The women immediately flew a protest flag.
  rainbow flag 1.25   The rainbow flag is a symbol for the gay community.
  independence flag 0.99   The New Zealand flag was stomped on and rebel Maori independence flags were raised.
  prayer flag 0.92   A Tibetan prayer flag flaps in the wind next to another cabin.
  championship flag 0.59   The Yankees raised another championship flag.
  swastika flag 0.59   The Reich and National flag is the swastika flag.
  burn flag 0.53   Today, people burn flags like this one.
  city flag 0.53   Bernardi ordered city flags flown at half-staff.
  opposition flag 0.53   Others bore the red-and-white opposition flags banned by Lukashenko.
  wave flag 0.53   People came to wave flags.
  day flag 0.46   Who notices American flags these days, besides children?
  leaf flag 0.39   They waved maple leaf flags and cheered the fisheries enforcement officers responsible for capturing the Estai.
  maple flag 0.39   They made sure that she saw the red and white maple flag every which way she turned.
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