heavy firing 2.76   Heavy firing broke out at mid-morning.
  sporadic firing 2.37   Overnight, there was sporadic firing.
  mass firing 1.12   The mass firing of the umpires?
  continued firing 1.05   He fell after being hit by police, but continued firing, Pierson said.
  intermittent firing 0.79   I heard intermittent firing.
  indiscriminate firing 0.66   Police said the attackers fled after indiscriminate firing.
  first firing 0.53   It would be the first such firing in the West Bank.
  random firing 0.53   Kumar denied the random firing, insisting there was cross fire.
  accidental firing 0.46   But firearms experts have said that safety devices on the double-action revolver prevent accidental firing.
  intense firing 0.46   The army said troops responded to intense firing at an army outpost in the area.
  pakistani firing 0.46   Domestic news agencies said no one was injured in the Pakistani firing.
  indian firing 0.39   Indian firing caused hundreds to flee.
  overnight firing 0.39   More than two dozen cattle were killed in the overnight firing, Raina said.
  recent firing 0.39   The Patriots learned Tuesday there are unexpected lessons born of the recent firing of defensive captain Vincent Brown.
  second firing 0.39   No time had been set for a second firing.
  live firing 0.33   Soldiers retaliated by firing live and rubber bullets and throwing tear gas at the crowd.
  massive firing 0.33   It was followed by massive firing.
  retaliatory firing 0.33   Six civilians and two of the rebels died in a blitz of retaliatory firing by the soldiers.
  sudden firing 0.33   The workers charge that the bankruptcy declaration and their sudden firing were illegal.
  unprovoked firing 0.33   India and Pakistan blamed each other for what they described as unprovoked firing.
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