artillery fire 53.06   ...the sound of artillery fire.
  forest fire 44.50   Flicker or forest fire?
  mortar fire 32.06   There is desultory mortar fire.
  sniper fire 30.35   Sniper fire.
  weapon fire 22.19   Bursts of automatic weapons fire.
  tank fire 11.72   Israeli tank fire also hit Tulkarem.
  rocket fire 10.27   India has denied responsibility for the rocket fire.
  cease fire 9.74   The McCain camp offered a cease fire.
  rifle fire 9.74   He heard rifle fire.
  small-arms fire 9.41   Chapman was killed by small-arms fire.
  house fire 8.29   They died in a house fire.
  rebel fire 6.52   The statement blamed her injuries on rebel fire.
  machinegun fire 5.13   Other defense officials said it was disabled by machinegun fire.
  arson fire 4.67   Officials believe it was an arson fire.
  ground fire 4.15   Only sporadic ground fire was heard.
  gun fire 3.88   A gun fires.
  shell fire 3.62   Israeli tanks responded with shell fire.
  peat fire 3.16   You cannot put out peat fires in a day.
  cannon fire 3.09   They were pursued by cannon fire.
  gas fire 2.90   Oh is it a gas fire?
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