sec filing 11.59   But nowhere was that disclosed in SEC filings.
  electronic filing 5.92   Electronic filing is easy.
  regulatory filing 3.36   The trades, disclosed in regulatory filings, could be a coincidence.
  legal filing 2.44   Students study original legal filings from the case.
  new filing 1.71   We will announce a new filing time.
  recent filing 1.71   In a recent filing, it acknowledged its customer service struggles.
  quarterly filing 1.38   Finova does not list its customers in its quarterly financial filings.
  public filing 1.18   After reporting this article from public filings, I called SBC for comment.
  financial filing 1.12   Those financial filings are due at the end of January.
  subsequent filing 1.05   Further details will be available in subsequent filings.
  latest filing 0.99   His name was typed on the latest filing.
  federal filing 0.92   It said it may sell the stake in a federal filing.
  late filing 0.86   Story includes the penalties for late filing and late paying.
  corporate filing 0.79   New corporate filings that once took two weeks now take two months.
  similar filing 0.72   Similar filings are expected from other suppliers.
  such filing 0.72   Analysts say such a filing could come quickly.
  annual filing 0.59   As a result, Imnet delayed its scheduled annual filing with the SEC.
  future filing 0.59   Further details will be available in future filings.
  metal filing 0.59   ...metal filings.
  first filing 0.53   But this is the first legal filing made by the agency.
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