company file 25.15   Both companies filed appeals in January.
  prosecutor file 11.13   But no prosecutor ever filed charges.
  group file 10.80   Fan groups will file lawsuits.
  lawyer file 10.47   Lawyers file the suits.
  government file 8.56   The government filed first.
  police file 5.79   The police have filed no charges in the case.
  union file 5.46   The union has filed a grievance.
  family file 4.28   Her family filed the police complaint.
  state file 4.21   The state immediately filed an appeal.
  people file 4.15   People filed past the cards.
  woman file 4.15   The woman filed a civil suit.
  lawsuit file 3.88   Lawsuit Filed Against Lehman Bros.
  attorney file 3.82   His attorneys filed an appeal on his conviction Monday.
  official file 3.55   Officials have not filed a formal request.
  authority file 3.49   Authorities filed charges against the soldiers.
  shareholder file 3.29   Shareholders have filed at least two class-action suits.
  charge file 3.23   No charges filed.
  employee file 3.09   He said that employees still filed safety complaints.
  player file 3.03   No disputed players filed.
  party file 2.96   Both parties will file their briefs Tuesday.
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