swine fever 5.20   Swine fever is highly contagious.
  football fever 1.45   And this was a school with football fever.
  election fever 1.32   But not everyone succumbed to election fever.
  dengue fever 1.12   However, there were no cases of dengue haemorrhagic fever or deaths from dengue.
  pennant fever 1.12   Pennant fever.
  merger fever 1.05   Industry experts expect utility merger fever to continue.
  soccer fever 0.99   Soccer fever was ablaze.
  baseball fever 0.79   Baseball fever.
  cause fever 0.66   It is one of several that cause haemorrhagic fever and diarrhoea.
  lottery fever 0.66   But lottery fever might be on the wane in the South.
  war fever 0.66   War fever had reached new heights.
  millennium fever 0.46   To be sure, not every company has millennium fever.
  strike fever 0.46   But strike fever at other firms started subsiding.
  summer fever 0.39   Summer fever has seized Hollywood.
  auction fever 0.33   Auction fever has hit the public schools in the stock-rich havens of the Silicon Valley.
  dot-com fever 0.33   Asia is sick with dot-com fever.
  hemorraghic fever 0.33   He was brought by helicopter to Charite Hosptial Tuesday after showing symptoms consistent with hemorraghic fever.
  hockey fever 0.33   Hockey fever grips Atlanta.
  wild-card fever 0.33   Would the Yankee fans catch wild-card fever then?
  impeachment fever 0.26   If America was able to recover swiftly from its impeachment fever, it was because of the good sense of citizens.
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